Newsletter Term 3 Issue 2
Principal's Report
Hi everyone,
It has been a very busy Term 3 filled with lots of amazing learning experiences and successes for our students. During Science Week, our students participated in the 'Hatch a Chicken' program. They observed chicks hatching, named them with some interesting names like ‘Devil’, ‘Bob’ and ‘Chacca’, wrote birth certificates for them and practised their literacy skills by making entries in the guest book during their visits.
Book week saw our students engage with sensory stories and concluded with a highly interactive assembly where students not only paraded in their costumes but also shared their innovative class stories which they had collaboratively written as part of a ‘roll a story’ class-based activity. Recognition for the best costumes for the day went to Shaylee, Brashaye, Heidi and Lincoln with everyone else also deserving the applause for the extra effort that went into dressing up for the day😊 All Superstars!
Senior school students from Area G, H and ILC participated in an interschool disco with Glady’s Newton School and I know that everyone had an amazing time at this excursion. Congratulations also to our year 12 students who had their ASDAN modules accredited during the external moderation that occurred on the 12th of September.
I know everyone has been awaiting news about the swimming program for Term 4. I am pleased to say that we are on track with completing the required works during the school holidays and the swimming program will recommence in week 2 of Term 4.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday in Jo’s temporary absence and see you all back in Term 4.
Selvarani Bird – Acting Principal
Important Dates
- Monday 7th October- Pupil Free Day
- Friday 25th October Assembly A and B
- Friday 8th November Board Meeting
- Friday 22nd November Assembly Area C
- Monday 2nd December Graduation Dinner
- Tuesday 3rd December Transition Day 1
- Wednesday 4th December Transition Day 2
- Friday 6th December End of Year Concert & Awards
- Thursday 12th December Fun Day and Last day of school.
Area ILC
Area ILC have been busy completing a five-week workout challenge at Mobius Gym in Joondalup. The students have been working hard with the personal trainers to improve their strength and fitness and are thoroughly enjoying each session! Students have used a combination of machines like rowers and exercise bikes along with modified exercises tailored to each students’ abilities. Mobius Gym has been a wonderful experience for our senior students.
Colette Bailey - ILC Teacher
Gym action
Area F
In Term 3 we have been settling into our class and meeting our new educators, Beatrice & Isaac. This term our secondary students have completed the New Horizons ASDAN-Year 7 curriculum topics.
We have enjoyed learning some new songs at Morning Briefing Time and we have been focusing upon recognising numbers 1-20 in maths. We have also been learning the differences between big & small, heavy & light, and long & short.
Area F has been reading stories linked to our biology Science topic. We have read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Rosie’s Walk and Jungle Drums, all of which focus upon plant and animal growth and life.
We have enjoyed making and eating pizzas, sprinkle cupcakes, pasta and last Friday we made ice cream in a bag. It has been an enjoyable term.
Elizabeth Rout - Area F Teacher
Area G, H and ILC dancing
For the last 5 weeks, students in Area G, H and ILC have been dancing with ‘Ballroom Fit.’ They have learnt many new dances and have been practicing their dance they are doing for the end of year assembly next term.
It has been wonderful to see the students grow in their confidence, with some students who at first were happy to watch to now happily participating in the different dances!
Next term the senior students are looking forward to participating in ‘Music Rocks.’
Annabel Lindsay-Smith, Senior DOTT Teacher.
Ballroom Fit
Area A and B
There was Area A and B who went to a farm ei ei o,
and on that farm, they saw a horse ei ei o,
With a neigh, neigh here and a neigh neigh there,
Here a neigh, there a neigh,
Everywhere a neigh, neigh.
Area A and B went to a farm, ei ei o.
On the last Tuesday of Term 3 Area A and Area B had an excursion to Landsdale Farm. Our visit supported the learning we have been doing about different places as part of our HASS, Art, and Science units. While at the farm, we enjoyed a train ride, fed a horse and some sheep and saw chickens, piglets and llamas. It was a fabulous morning out of the classroom and a great way to finish our Places unit.
Lara Hosking - Area B Teacher
Fun on the farm
School Student Broadband Initiative
The School Student Broadband Initiative is an Australian Government program that offers free home internet to families and carers who look after school age children and are struggling to pay the bills.
With less than 6 months to go for families and carers to redeem their vouchers, we are doing everything we can to get the offer into the hands of those who may need it. We hope that you will help us spread the word. Please find attached our refreshed flyer and social media tile that you are welcome to use.
To qualify for this offer:
- You must be caring for a school age student at your home.
- Must not have an active nbn connection at your home now or in the past 14 days. (Having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility).
- Must live in property that can access the nbn network through a standard connection.
- Apply for the offer by 31 December 2024 to get free home internet until the end of December 2025
Contact the National Referral Centre to apply on 1800 954 610 Monday - Friday, 10am - 6pm (AEDT) or visit
What’s included in the offer?
- Free home internet until December 2025
- Free WI-FI router (you can keep it)
- Unlimited data
- 50 / 20 plan (this is a typical household plan)
- No lock in contracts
- Choice of participating internet providers
- Ongoing support from the National Referral Centre to apply – callback, webchat, and interpreting services available
- Do you know someone who may be interested?
We need your help to spread the word so more families, parents and carers can benefit from this offer of free home internet.
More details are available on the attached promotional flyer
by visiting the FAQs on the National Referral Centre website: